Urine Test in Men
1. The best sample for diagnosing urinary tract infections is the first urine sample in the morning.
2. Avoid drinking plenty of fluids and water before the test.
3. Wash your hands well with soap and water.
4. Rub the head with water and clean with a disposable disposable cloth.
5. Open the container’s container gently, carefully check that your hands and head are not contacted with the inner surface of the urethra or its door.
6. To collect the sample, remove the first portion of the urine (first two seconds) and pour the rest of the urine into the container (half a dish).
7. Place the container lid and place in the laboratory for the urine specimen.
8. Observe the specification label on the container.
9. If the sample is taken out of the laboratory, the specimen should be placed in the refrigerator after collection and delivered to the laboratory for up to 4 hours.