
Providing a uniform pattern for designing laboratory space is not feasible or necessary, the space of each laboratory will be designed according to the objectives, the spectrum of activities, the number of personnel and the number of equipment. The allocation of space to the various departments of the lab is done taking into account the above mentioned. Since the change in the scope of the work and the scope of the laboratory activities may be accompanied by requirements for changing the laboratory space, the allocation of laboratory space should be such that it is compatible with the new objectives in terms of scope or efficiency.

Work space

Useful working space in different parts of the laboratory should be such that the maximum number of employees can work, taking into account the space occupied by the equipment, the spaces between work tables, corridors and space around the equipment, should be considered.

In laboratories with limited scope and workload, the various departments, especially those using common equipment, can operate in the vicinity, but the sampling, acceptance, microbiological departments, mushrooms Viral, parasitology, urine analysis, washing and sterilization, and dining area of the staff must be separate. Typically, sample preparation and reagent preparation sites are located near the biochemical site.


The number and types of equipment in each section play an important role in planning the design of the space. In this regard, attention should be paid to aspects such as dimensions (length, width and height), weight of the devices, and the voltage and voltage requirements and the required piping (included in the instrument catalog).

Easy access to the back and sides of the device for maintenance, repair and ventilation should also be considered.

Staff Space

Due to the importance of the comfort and safety of the staff during the work, it is necessary to predict the proper space for their travel and operation. On average, each employee needs about 1 square meter of work space.

Laboratory furniture

Type, number, placement and quality of tableware and laboratory furniture directly affect on performance of the staff. In terms of quantity, they should be commensurate with the number and performance of the staff and qualitatively have the appearance, size and efficiency.

The laboratory furniture should be designed for general use so that all users can easily and safely use them. The difference between the laboratories and the height of the tables should be considered, as well as the height adjustable seats or cabinets as far as possible.

The dimensions of the computer tables and chairs should be such that the users be comfortable when using.

Cabinets and shelves, as part of storage space, should be sufficiently available in the laboratory and be resistant to chemical, rust and burnout, cabinets and wall cabinets should be installed firmly on the wall and access to the inside of the equipment They are easy to do and the amount of accumulation is proportional to their ability to bear weight.

Storage space

Includes shelves, cabinets, refrigerators and freezers. Determining the minimum materials and items required at the time of their existence in the laboratory has an important role in estimating the storage space needed.

Additionally, adequate environmental conditions must be provided for the storage of laboratory items, and the technical staff of the laboratory must ensure that all items in the laboratory are in the correct condition in terms of temperature, humidity, light, ventilation, safety, and so on. According to the manufacturer’s recommendation, they are stored and stored.

In terms of the storage temperature of the items, the storage is divided into two refrigerated, freezer and non-refrigerated parts:

A) Refrigerated  warehouse:
Includes laboratory items that stored at refrigerator or freezer temperatures.

The laboratory’s technical officer should be aware of the amount of materials stored that require a refrigerator or freezer temperature and provide the space they need to be stored.

Refrigerators and freezers of the laboratory should be placed in a suitable place with a constant surface, without vibration and away from direct sunlight.

B) Non- refrigerated storage:

Includes laboratory items generally stored at room temperature.

The nature and volume of the stored materials are affected by the storage, for example, the storage conditions of acids, organic solvents, corrosive solutions, gases, reactive compounds, radioactive materials or potentially hazardous materials should be standard in terms of safety.

Laboratories dealing with hazardous materials and storing these materials in large volumes, in addition to providing a suitable storage space, should also install a suitable ventilation system for the storage of these materials.

Archiving records

The space required for archiving records and documents is determined according to the size of these documents and the time it takes to maintain them. For example, laboratories should keep all patient records and quality control records for at least one year.

Support Space

Includes all lateral spaces used in pre-test and post-test activities, such as office and computer room, acceptance and response, procurement, and so on. These sections should be separate from the technical space of the laboratory.


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