Tumor Markers
Biochemicals that are associated with tumor malignancy are measurable. These materials are made by tumor cells or by the body in response to tumor cells. In other words, the tumor is a marker of matter in the blood, urine, or some of the body tissues that can be increased in the event of cancer.
Tumor markers have different types. Some are seen only in one type of cancer, and another group may be found in a variety of cancers.Increasing tumor markers alone is not enough to detect cancer, but to accompany them by doing specialist work such as mammography. Sonography CT scans can be a diagnostic test.
Available tests:
- CA 19-9 (ECL)
- CA 15-3 (ECL)
- CA-125 (ECL)
- Beta HCG (ECL)
- Serum free-Beta-hCG
- Free PSA (ECL)
- Total PSA (ECL)

tumor markers
Carcinoembryonic (CEA)
This tumor is a marker for determining the severity of disease and prognosis in cancer patients and in controlling disease and treatment (in particular, gastrointestinal and breast cancer). CEA is a protein naturally produced in the digestive tract of the fetus.
- CEA levels increase in gastrointestinal, breast, pancreas, and stomach and biliary liver cancer.
- People who have a long history of smoking have a high level of CEA.
- The primary level before the CEA treatment is a tumor size indicator and its prognosis.
- Abrupt decrease in CEA levels compared to preoperative surgery indicates complete tumor erosion.
Its natural content is less than 5 ng / ml.
Cancer Antigen 19-9 (CA19-9)
The CA19-9 cancer antigen is a carbohydrate superficial antigen that is used to identify patients with pancreatic and hepatotoxic carcinoma and assess response to treatment. About 70% of patients with pancreatic carcinoma and 65% of people with high-hepatic cancer have high levels of this antigen.
- The combined measurement of CA19-9 and CEA cancer antigens is useful in tracking patients with gastric cancer.
- Its natural content is 37 U / mL.
- No need for fasting.
- Measurement of this marker tumor in the Pastor lab using the ECL method is currently the most accurate measurement method.
Cancer Antigen 15-3 (CA15-3)
This tumor marker is used to control the response of patients to the treatment of metastatic breast cancer. Benign breast diseases and lung cancer, pancreas, ovaries, prostate, cirrhosis, hepatitis and colon can increase the level of this antigen.
- This antigen is useful for treating patients’ response to breast cancer metastatic cancer.
- This test does not require fasting.
- Its natural value is U / mL 31.
- Measurement of this marker tumor in the Pastor lab using the ECL method is currently the most accurate measurement method.
Cancer Antigen CA_125
This tumor marker is used to diagnose and determine the severity of the disease and response to treatment in ovarian cancer.
- This test is used to diagnose and determine the severity of the disease and response to treatment in ovarian cancer.
- This test is used to screen women at high risk who have a family history of ovarian cancer.
In patients who respond to treatment, they demonstrate progressive reductions in CA-125.Its natural value is U-mL / 35 -0.Measurement of this marker tumor in the Pastor lab using the ECL method is currently the most accurate measurement method
Alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP)
The alpha-fetoprotein is the main protein produced during the fetal period by the fetal yolk sac and liver. Alfafetoprotein is not commonly found in the blood of healthy men and non-pregnant women, or very low.
- This test does not require fasting.
- Measurement of this marker tumor in the Pastor lab using the ECL method is currently the most accurate measurement method.
Prostatic Specific Antigen (PSA)
PSA is a protein that is mainly produced by the cells in the prostate. Most of the PSA is released into the semen, but a small amount of it is also released into the blood stream. Typically, all men have a small amount of PSA in the blood. This test is used to screen for a prospective diagnosis of prostate cancer.
- Significant increases in PSA levels are associated with prostate cancer.
- In more than 80% of men with prostate cancer, the PSA level is greater than 4 ng / ml. But there is not always a high level of 4 ng / ml with cancer.
- PSA is a sensitive test to control the response to treatment and relapse of the tumor after treatment.
- Increasing the PSA level increases the suspicion of cancer.
- Ejaculation is associated with a PSA level within 24 hours before testing.
- In benign prostate disease, there is more free PSA than the complex type.
- Its natural content is 4 ng / mL.
- Measurement of this marker tumor in the Pastor lab using the ECL method is currently the most accurate measurement method.
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG)
Human paternal gonadotropin is produced by pair of syncytiotrophoblast cells during pregnancy. This hormone is first measurable about 11 days after fertilization in the bloodstream and between 12 and 14 days after fertilization in the urine.
- Low levels of HCG may be due to a mistake in determining the age of pregnancy, ectopic pregnancy, and abortion.
- High levels of HCG may be due to mistakes in determining the gestational age, molar pregnancy, and multiple sclerosis.
- Excessive levels of HCG in people who are not pregnant are indicative of neoplasmic malignancies, particularly tumor germ cells such as testicular tumors and ovarian carcinoma.
- Measurement of this marker tumor in the Pastor lab using the ECL method is currently the most accurate measurement method.
- HENRY’S Clinical Diagnosis and Management by Laboratory Methods 22 nd EDITION Richard A. McPherson, MD -2011
- Mosby’s Manual of Diagnostic and Laboratory Tests, 4th Edition By Kathleen Deska Pagana, PhD, RN and Timothy J. Pagana, MD, FACS