Safety in Lab

  • The design of the laboratory should be such as to minimize the risk of physical, chemical and microbial hazards in the workplace and provide a safe working environment for both employees and visitors.
  • Access to the technical space of the laboratory should only be available to authorized persons.
  • Electrical devices in the laboratory, especially devices with a moisture content and devices that are sensitive to minor electrical fluctuations, should be connected to the ground.
  • A bathtub is needed anywhere from the laboratory that is in direct contact with the patient’s specimen and should be located near the exit door.
  • Wash basins intended to be washed out by workers should not be used to evacuate samples or to carry out tests.
  • In the laboratory, there should be a suitable space for employees’ dining and a locker room to put on their clothes and personal belongings, there must be a separate and suitable space for resting staff in the hospital environment.

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